Frost Advisories Mean Business
As Amber mentioned, one of the things that were transplanted this weekend were corn sprouts that had shot up in just a week’s time in the greenhouse area. Corn is normally direct-seeded into the ground after all danger of frost, so this was an experiment. Doubly so because the last frost date isn’t until May […]
we found a farmer!
And by farmer I mean “grower.” We talked with several very qualified, awesome people over the last few months, and in the end we meshed best with Anna, a beginning farmer who lives in the city but who is originally from Ohio. She’ll be posting to the blog now too and can give a better […]
many THANK YOUs to our friends
A lot of people have been helping us out with advice, tools, household goods, funds, farmwork, support, and love. Thank you to all of you!!! But I do want to give specific thank yous to farmers Verena and Simone, who have both graciously helped us with new-guy questions about soil blockers, hardening off, and more. […]
spring morning
the sun is getting very high in the sky. just a few weeks after the equinox and the sunrise has really shifted position. during the day. during the day the sun is not creeping into the windows of our living room green house nearly as far. you can see the sprouts really straining to reach […]
cult of diesel
So we joined a cult… we bought a diesel car. a vw jetta TDI to be exact. why? well this one gets up to 50 mpg when driven properly. you should be able to run this on bio-diesel which is renewable even with all its byproducts and problems. as joel salatin says, farming is the […]
expanding and experimenting
so our friend and mentor, verena, had this great idea that we should be able to use a bunch of 1-2″ sticks to make fence posts for deer fencing. here are the first few in the ground. i spent an hour pulling various pieces of already fallen wood out of the woods. i then watched […]
No more snow!
It was 61 in the “greenhouse” today when I got here. Our germination rates are close to 100% for just about everything. There are only a few patches of snow left outside, and I’ve discovered a lot of soggy places. Barring another big snow storm in the next 2 weeks (not expected) we should have […]
So here’s a real lesson on being vigilant about awareness and not taking it for granted that you can just go out and buy safe, usable products (or that you should necessarily buy something you can make, even if you could take for granted that it were safe). Lewis mentioned last week that he picked […]
PDC reunion
we are in manhattan tonight since tomorrow is our pdc reunion. very much looking forward to catching up with a bunch of crazy dreamers. our work in brazil is still vey much in our hearts and this farm here in new york is an extension of that. here is an initial sketch for a super […]
how does that name sound? we should be calling this land something other than the land or the farm.