CSA Week 1 May 30, 2012
Hello CSA Members, You know you’re a farmer if: You still have dirt on you when you come out of the shower. Your idea of dressing up is not wearing carharts. And you have livestock in your house (for 4 nights nows). Ben and I bought a piglet on Friday to raise for meat and […]
Honey time
So, unfortunately the bees did not make it through winter. One theory is that because of the late season hurricanes there wasn’t any pollen left on the trees for the bees to collect to feed baby bees during the winter. They weren’t able to maintain their population at high enough numbers to keep each other […]
Wood skidding
We took down 15+ trees south of the solar panels. we plan to use most of this wood for a treehouse, but much of the wood first needs to be cut into boards with our neighbor’s mill. We spent a large part of the day dragging the trunks of these trees out of a gulley […]
the next life of a tree
The guess is that this pine was about 60 years old. the 96 year old neighbor remembers planting this tree. jay, who is 56 has pictures of his first communion with the tree about head high. It was damaged in the october snow and threatened to fall on a house. Everyone was sad to see her go. […]