Terribly behind on the blog because we have been too busy working. So much happening that we hope to update soon. 10 people working on the farm this weekend. Jess and Justin killing it. Greenhouses full. new high tunnel about to be tilled. Black plastic and new beds everywhere. Brother Doug stepping up BIG. Eduardo […]
Big Plans for 2016
We are very much looking forward to a bright 2016. Thank you GHF community for your support and patience over the last six years. As we roll into our seventh year of operation I wanted to share with you some updates from the farm: This year we are moving our CSA from the city to […]
CSA week 20!!!!!
CSA week 20 is here! Hi Friends. It is with great sadness and gratitude that I harvest and deliver you one last share of our farm abundance this season. It has been a year of growth in so many ways here on the farm and we have done our best to produce the […]
CSA week 19
Week 19 Hi Week A Friends. (Brooklyn included) It was with great pride that we offer you week 19 of the CSA. This is sadly our last delivery to “week A” members and to Brooklyn. The baby greens are at their peak this week with perfectly flavored arugula, mizuma, […]
CSA week 18
Winter squash Cucumber and/or Zucchini Hakurei turnips French breakfast radish Baby greens(arugula, mustard, mizuna) scallions sweet pepper and/or Eggplant Ground cherries
CSA week 17
Greeting city CSA friends, This weeks share is one of our best yet. The focus is on all the delicious hard to pick items that are a labor of sweet love. All these items have been hand picked by loving visitors and farmer Sean as autumn breezes flowed through the farm. Sungold Cherry Tomatoes […]
CSA week 16
The return of roots, as autumn arrives. Hi Friends. My apologies for missing my emails the past week. My computer hard drive crashed amidst the business of summer harvesting. I am excited to return roots to our share this week as these cool autumn nights help them mature. While we have been in a severe […]
CSA week 15
Coming to SOHO and Williamsburg this week! Even in this drought we are keeping the plants juices flowing and the fruits keep coming! Sun gold cherry tomatoes Ground cherries Fairytale eggplants Rattlesnake green beans Sweet peppers Costata Romanesco zuchinni Carrots Swiss chard