10 Reasons to Join A CSA
Thank you Happy Food For All for this post 10 Reasons Why to Join a CSA! 1. Know Where Your Food Comes From 2. Support the Economic Democracy of Small Farming 3. Save Money 4. More Selection of super fresh veggies 5. Better Flavor and better for you 6. Have fun! 7. Grow Your Local Economy […]
CSA registration open to everyone!
The Growing Heart Farm 2013 CSA is now open to the public. Sign up now and receive delectably fresh, deliciously local, and delightfully healthy veggies all summer long. Here are the details for this year’s CSA: Join the Growing Heart Farm CSA to share a garden of local veggies picked fresh and delivered to your […]
CSA registration open for returning members
This year our CSA is going to be a bit smaller with limited spaces. We are super excited to Welcome Hilary on board with Team California holding things down. We are excited to have Nathan Love and Park Slope locations back and please give a warm welcome to our new home in Williamsburg/Greenpoint: Awakening NY – […]
last fire of 2012
thank you G<3F community. 2012 delivered on its promise. we loved growing with you and look forward to 2013. happy new! the days are now getting longer and this season officially started today by filling the greenhouse with firewood to heat for seedlings that will be started in 2 months. thank you adam, dan, anthony, […]
Farm Hack NYC
This is going to be so cool. great hosts and great ideas. http://www.youngfarmers.org/practical/farm-hack/events/nyc/