Seeds are already sprouting. Looks like the temperature in the “greenhouse” hovered in the 50’s all week. I arrived last night in the middle of a snowstorm and i turned on the greenhouse heater – we were conservative and wanted to monitor it for its first few days on so it was off all week. […]
"seed blocking"
we taught ourselves how to use our new seed blockers, but then amber found this video. the video explains all the reasons the soil blocker is so sweet. our friend simone at stone barns also gave us a number of great tips. looks like we may not have done everything right, but lets hope for […]
Get the Daily Moon Phases widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) so just when our calendar makes sense now we need to consider moon phases. what is the best source of info to guide us in planting along with the moon. i remember this being a […]
wrapping our heads around farming
years of scheduling complicated productions and pipelines may prove to be completely useless as a farmer, but at least as a learning exercise it sure helped us wrap our heads around planting seeds. Which is intricately related to green house square footage, row feet in the garden and most importantly getting some mixture of food […]
Post-Harvest Treatment of Veggies
Note to self – we need to get a copy of the USDA publication The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks. It’s supposed to be very good – accurate and complete (if it’s good enough for Eliot Coleman it’s good enough for me). I’m getting a lot of great tips from […]